Eyes on Perugia

by Debbie Guyol
We’ll devote the second day of our Perugia workshop to sight. Or sights. The visual glories of Italy do not need us to sing their praises, but we can’t resist. So here’s a taste of the Perugian sights that will inspire you – and your writing.

Colors: the ochre, umber, rust, terra cotta and faded rose of house fronts, plus unexpectedly deep green shutters; stone walls in taupe and ivory and ash – how many shades of gray can you name? The countryside with its swaths of green and gold, and of course the sky has its own colors, at sunrise, mid-day, sunset and twilight.

Shapes: in the city, arches and gates, towers and walls, the stones under your feet, the grotesques and gargoyles on church and other building façades, fountains and statues. In the countryside, the rows of stately cypress trees, ancient gnarled olive trees, hillsides and ravines and waterways.

Art: on the streets and in churches and museums – modern, whimsical, medieval, religious, uncategorizable – is everywhere. Perhaps a piece of art will spark a piece of writing?

Light and shadow: natural or artificial or a combination of the two – it’s all around you. It influences the way you see everything!

We expect our Perugian *sight* day to be, at a minimum, intoxicating. How will you work it into your writing? Can’t wait to *see*!

Learn more here.


For Your Viewing Pleasure—French Films!


The Soundscape of Perugia