The Writing Life

Join Us September 19-26, 2025 for a creative writing workshop in Céret.

Over a week in a magical town in the south of France we’ll discuss all aspects of the writing life, from the fundamentals of the craft to what you need to know to practice it. We’ll talk about ways to get started or restarted on your writing. And once you’ve got a good beginning, how to  nurture it through a regular writing practice—one that does not involve self-flagellation to maintain. How to power through the messy middles and carry on triumphantly to the end.

 All our teaching is done through the lens of your chosen project. You’ll make good progress on your WIP (work-in-progress) while learning tips and techniques to keep that progress going once you’re back in the real world.  We’ll offer strategies for dry spells or those times when the I’m-not-good-enough-why-bother-who-do-I-think-I-am blues strike and encourage you to celebrate the good days, too.

 You’ll experience this in the company of like-minded creatives, sharing writing, war (and peace) stories, brainstorming and supporting each other. There will be daily writing assignments (that are not so challenging you won’t have time to wander the charming town or countryside) and shared reading of our work.

You’ll leave with a commitment or renewed commitment to your writing—ready to return home and write, write, write.

While there, you’ll immerse yourself in the life of a French town – while putting words on the page. We spend seven nights, six full days, in the charming Catalonian town of Céret. It’s nestled in the foothills of the Pyrenees and the sparkling Mer Mediterranée is a mere 34 kilometers away. We love this town with its medieval walls and giant plane trees, its modern art museum and bustling Saturday market, its bakeries and bistros. And what’s not to love about a town that celebrates a cherry festival? We also love the region, famous for wine, seafood, ruined castles and artists of the early 20th century.

This year we’re changing to a Friday to Friday schedule, so that we can avoid hectic arrivals during the Céret market. We’ll have a welcome dinner on Friday night and Saturday morning you’ll be free to roam and enjoy the wonderful market. Delectable food, beautiful artisan crafts, great people-watching! Our first workshop will convene that afternoon. Every morning after we’ll meet from 9:30 to 12:30 for the class portion of the experience. We’ll have a group cocktail hour around 5:30, so from 12:30 till then you can eat, sleep, read, write and explore as you wish. In the course of the week we’ll also organize a couple of optional side trips to nearby points of interest. Three charming Mediterranean towns are only about half an hour away; incredible Cathar castle ruins are farther; Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals are sprinkled liberally throughout the region. We’ll try not to get carried away.


Cost: The price of the workshop is $2600 if a deposit is paid by February 1, 2025 and $2750 thereafter. We require a $500 deposit on registration and complete payment by July 1, 2025. If your spouse or partner wants to come along, there will be a spousal supplement to cover additional food and other costs. The price for a couple who will share a room and both take the workshop is $3700. And also! We now offer returning students a $100 discount. Anyone who has taken a week-long workshop with us is eligible.

What’s included:

  • Seven nights lodging in charming Céret, a town where real French people live. It’s not touristy like many of the nearby coastal villages.

  • Six workshops with special guest appearance by mystery writer Angela M. Sanders

  • Four dinners prepared by our in-house cook Angela

  • Evening gatherings to discuss writing, travel, and more

  • Writing community—connection with other writers that will last beyond your workshop experience

How to apply: Send us a short statement (250 words or fewer) about where you are in your writing now and why you would like to join the workshop and what you hope to get out of it. The program is limited to eight participants. If more people are interested, we’ll add another week.

What to expect: Please bring a computer with word processing capability. The houses where we stay have internet access; you will be expected to send your writing to other class members each day via email. We will discuss student writing as a group, focusing on each day’s subject matter. We encourage constructive discussion of how to improve the writing.

Physical fitness: Okay, we won’t make you do pushups or run a marathon, but you should be aware that there will be stairs, there will be hills and there will be walking. It’s not terribly strenuous, but be advised.

Transportation: We will rent cars to use as needed for grocery shopping and short excursions.

Cancellation policy: The $500 deposit is not refundable. Once you have paid the balance of the cost, we will provide a full refund (less deposit) if you cancel before June 15. If you cancel thereafter there is no refund unless you find a replacement student for us.

Travel insurance: It’s relatively inexpensive; we strongly recommend you purchase it. Allianz is one company we’ve used; MH Ross Advantage plan is recommended by our travel agent friend.

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