La Ronde Céretane

Hard, hard….hill ahead, runners!

Céret loves to celebrate, and one of the town’s best celebrations takes place the day of the foot race known as La Ronde Céretane. Our Let’s Go Write creative writing workshop has overlapped with the ronde more than once. There are in fact (at least) three versions of this race: “La Mystique,” for serious runners (22k), “La Festive,” for those who prefer to run in costume (5.5k), and “L’endiablée,” which translates as wild or furious (10k). We cannot explain this designation.

Serious runners come from far away for the serious run, fun-runners go all in with silly attire. L’endiablée is new in 2024, so we shall see what it holds. And yes, there’s also (evidemment) a kids’ run and one designated esmorzar, a Catalan word meaning (depending on who you ask) snack or breakfast or lunch. We can’t explain this one either.

Funny costumes are common!

What we can say is that race day is a great festival of raucous fun. Music and feasting and dance take over. Crowds gather in the Place de la Liberté to sway to the sounds of brass bands and later to partake of paella prepared in six-foot wide pans. [photo] At other spots around town, dancers form spontaneous circles to perform the slow and stately sardane (a Catalan specialty whose appeal we don’t quite understand). Videos on the Ronde website give a sense of the exuberant energy that takes over the town.    

 We’ve been in town for “La course la plus festive du Sud de la France” (the most festive race in the South of France) more than once. We haven’t run or dance or feasted, but we’ve been carried away by the party spirit nevertheless, and we’re beyond thrilled that we’ll be there for this year’s big event.

Which will take place September 15, the Sunday following the Saturday when our 2024 creative writing workshop ends. We strongly advise staying the extra day (or two, why not?) to experience this truly remarkable event. That’s what we’ll be doing.


Art and Artists in Céret


The Best Bakery in Céret